Popular Texas Pecan Varieties to Plant
Trying to decide which pecan variety to plant?
Here in the Welcome Center Gift Shop, we often have visitors who ask us about the best pecan varieties to plant. We put together this list to show you differences in some popular Texas pecans. You might already have some of these in your own backyard. If you’re trying to decide which varieties to plant, check out the information below.
The Burkett is one of the oldest pecan varieties in Texas, but only plant this tree if you live in West Texas. If it’s planted anywhere else in Texas, it will be more susceptible to disease and insect problems.
No matter where you are in Texas, rest assured that the Caddo will do just fine. The Caddo tree has strong limbs, disease resistance, and appealing leaves that are a dark green color. The nuts will start to grow after about five years, but they’ll bear a lot annually.
The Cheyenne is a small tree that begins producing a mature, high quality crop in about five to seven years. The Cheyenne is very susceptible to aphids, so it should not be grown in the northern Panhandle. If you’re planting in Amarillo or Lubbock, this variety is NOT for you.
Choctaw trees tend to be a bit high maintenance. Without the perfect soil and proper management, they won’t produce a reliable crop. However, carefully nurtured Choctaw trees can yield beautiful foliage and large, flavorful, high quality nuts.
Desirable is a great match for land owners in East, South, and Central Texas who usually experience humid climates (e.g., Houston, Galveston, AND our lovely Brazos Valley). Before planting, keep in mind that this tree takes eight to ten years to bear nuts. It isn’t a heavy bearer, but it’s dependable.
The Kiowa has the attractive, large, dark green foliage that is most sought after and large nuts, but this variety can be fairly inconsistent.
Originating in Oklahoma, the Maramec is a large and consistent pecan tree. It yields best in North Texas, close to its native homeland.
The Mohawk is another North Texas tree. Beware: this tree matures early, but the quality of the nut decreases as it ages.
The Pawnee, as the name predicts, is recommended for growing in the Texas Panhandle. It ripens early and has a natural resistance to aphids, but more studying must be done and trial use is recommended.
The Sioux has a high quality, small nut, but requires fungicide sprays in areas with high humidity. The Texas Coast is not the best place for this tree, requiring extra care and full attention.
The Western, as the name suggests, should only be grown in West Texas. It needs a dry climate in order to lower the risk of scab disease. If these climate requirements are achieved, this will be the most low maintenance tree you have ever planted!
Happy Planting!
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