Mike Adams

• Educated in public schools in Henderson, Texas, undergraduate at Texas Christian University, and a Masters degree at Texas A&M University. By formal training, I am an educator, mathematician, and economist.
• Played and coached college football at TCU.
• Taught mathematics at the university level.
• Founded companies in the fields of agriculture and in oil and gas exploration and production.
• Remains involved in Camp Huawni, our family youth camp near Timpson, Texas, providing children and teens a life-building experience since 1965.
• Currently President of the Texas Pecan Board and President of the American Pecan Board. Received Life Membership Award from Texas Pecan Growers Association and Certificate of Merit Award from the Southeastern Pecan Growers Association.
Bio means “about life” – so here’s mine. I come from a family of farmers and teachers. My grandfather raised and ginned cotton in East Texas after moving there from Georgia. My mom and dad were schoolteachers professionally and life teachers personally; both are my heroes.
I am married to a beautiful lady, going on 34 years. Our three adult children have and continue to make their parents proud.
I view Royalty Pecan Farms as a pristine piece of this earth over which I am privileged to look after for a few years. When I walk that ground, I have a peace that only comes from an attachment to the land. The soaring redtail hawk and graceful pecan trees are a bonus. I strive to do the place justice during the time I am its steward.
My livelihood is Royalty Pecan Farms, my love is my family, my true north compass is my faith in the Creator God.
If you are ever at the orchard, look me up.